Avalon Estates Assisted Living

Corpus Christi
Postal Code
490 Carmel Parkway

Avalon Estates Assisted Living for rehabilitation and assisted living provides skilled nursing care. Thus, Avalon Estates Assisted Living maintains the quality of life through rehabilitation and nursing the residents who need these services.

At Avalon Estates Assisted Living, their residents are the priority, whether it’s for speech therapy or physical therapy. Avalon Estates Assisted Living has an in-house, available, full-time team that helps establish trust and rapport.

Services Offered

Avalon Estates Assisted Living has specialized staff. Avalon Estates Assisted Living includes medical directors, facility administrators, dietitians, dietary managers, nurse aides, activity professionals, therapists, social workers, and Nurses.

These professionals offer 24-hour nursing care, rehabilitation services, personal laundry, daily housekeeping, activity programs, bath and bed linen, special diets from a menu choice.

Other services at Avalon Estates Assisted Living include:

  • Respiratory and Iv Therapy care
  • Wound care
  • Open Spacious and Bright Rooms
  • Barber and Beauty Shops
  • Transportation services to Doctor Appointments.
  • Safe Male and Female Generations Unit

Nueces Memory Care

Nueces Memory care is a specialized wing that helps residents with memory issues get extra attention. They aim to increase the activity levels of these clients by providing various activities. The nurses in these facilities assist the patients in all ways of life.

Also, the wing has protected outdoor areas and secured exits that ensure the residents’ safety. Plus, they can also move outdoors without company. This wing helps the patients with Alzheimer’s and have continued dementia.

Contact Avalon Estates Assisted Living

Avalon Estates Assisted Living is in Corpus Christi, Texas. It’s part of the Facilities for Assisted Living of Retirement Communities who need continuous care. The facility has multiple branches in various counties.

You can reach Avalon Estates Assisted Living by phone: 361-452-7990 or by fax at . Their office address is 490 Carmel Parkway, Corpus Christi Texas 78411.


Refer the map below to find the driving directions.